Workshop Arrangement
Keynote Speech Title: Searchable Symmetric Encryption and Its Attacks. Abstract: Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) represents an intriguing technique that empowers users to delegate keyword searches over encrypted databases to an honest-but-curious server. The primary goal is to uphold the confidentiality of both the keywords and the encrypted documents. A comprehensive understanding of SSE entails navigating through the intricacies of how it facilitates secure and privacy-preserving searches within the realm of encrypted data. In this talk, we will embark on a detailed exploration of SSE's underlying concepts, mechanisms, and the intricate security notions that serve as the foundation for this cryptographic technique. Acknowledging that no cryptographic protocol is impervious to vulnerabilities, the discussion will delve into an examination of current attacks on SSE. This aims to deepen comprehension of the strengths and limitations inherent in SSE, a critical aspect for its ongoing development and effective deployment in real-world applications. At last, the talk will shed light on some of the open challenges associated with SSE. Speaker: Dr. Kaitai Liang is a tenured faculty member in the Cybersecurity group at Delft University of Technology. His research, featured in esteemed international information security journals and conferences like USENIX Security, NDSS, ESORICS (with a best research paper award), IEEE TIFS, and IEEE TDSC, addresses cybersecurity challenges using information security and cryptographic tools. As a principal investigator in various EU funded projects, he has demonstrated real-world security impact through collaborations with academic and industrial partners. Dr. Liang has served TPC member, General Chair, and Steering Committee for international security and privacy conferences, e.g., IEEE Euro S&P, ESORICS, IEEE CSF, and PoPETs, and an Associate Editor for international journals such as the Computer Journal, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, and the EURASIP Journal on Information Security. He has also contributed to ISO standards as a member of the standards committee 381027 "Cybersecurity & Privacy" at NEN. Accepted Papers
Conditionally Accepted Papers
Note: Each accepted workshop paper needs one registration at full rate before (January 25th) and in-person presentation. Please refer to ACNS 2024 registration link to finish this process.
In recent years, we have witnessed severe security incidences caused by buggy protocols or implementations of cryptographic algorithms: POODLE, DROWN, OpenSSL Heartbleed, Windows certificate validation vulnerabilities, PDF shadow attacks, Google Titan Token Bluetooth bugs, etc. It is critical for practitioners and researchers to ensure the security of cryptographic software and hardware, which are essential for a wide range of systems, services, and applications. The aim of the SCI workshop is to provide an international forum of scientific research and development to explore the security issues in the implementation and deployment of cryptographic solutions. We are interested in these main aspects: (1) vulnerabilities and defenses in the implementation of cryptographic algorithms; (2) vulnerabilities and defenses in the implementation of cryptographic protocols; (3) defective cryptographic algorithms and protocols deployed in the wild; (4) weak cryptographic keys and random numbers in the cryptographic implementation; (5) runtime cryptographic key attacks and protections; (6) certificates and key management; (7) misuse or abuse of cryptographic services; and (8) other topics on secure cryptographic implementations. We try to promote secure cryptographic solutions in the Internet, by exploring and discussing the (in)security issues. We solicit submissions of original research papers on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
We are especially interested in papers with novel ideas, position papers, pilot studies, and initial findings. ACNS will also award a best papers from the 2024 ACNS workshops (ADSC, AIBlock, AIHWS, AIoTS, CIMSS, Cloud S&P, SCI, SecMT, SiMLA and S&P-FL), with 500 EUR prize sponsored by Springer. Meanwhile, the workshop will include an interesting keynote talk, which will be announced on the workshop web site as arrangements are finalized. ACNS'24 offers travel grants for students, which encourages greater student participation and submission of their papers. You can find more details about these grants on the ACNS'24 Student Travel Grants website ( Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts describing original work. The manuscript has to be written in English and in PDF format. All submissions must follow the original LNCS format (see with a page limit of 20 pages including all references and appendices. The proceedings of the SCI workshop will be published by Springer in the LNCS series. Submit your papers: Program Committee